
"My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read" Abraham Lincoln

We couldn't agree more!

We have a wealth of personal recommendations and extensive book knowledge to advise, inspire and ease your present buying for adults and children. Our range of books is skilfully chosen with interest and care with recognisable favourites sitting alongside eclectic titles to cater for even the most unusual of reading tastes and hobbies.

Choosing books for children can sometimes be a little daunting; don't worry we're always on hand with ideas and advice. It particularly makes our day when a customer tells us how much a grandchild or their child's friend enjoyed the book they received.

Our passion for offering excellent choice extends to our wonderful selection of cards, notebooks, wrapping paper and bookish gifts. And we even have sellotape on hand for gifts bought en route to a party!

The Cogito Reading Treat

A bespoke personal book consultation - the perfect gift.

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The Cogito Reading Treat for Children

If your child is looking for some inspiration for what to read next, our personal reading treat consultation might be just the thing!

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